lunes, julio 30, 2007

(4to Medio) TEXT 2: finding Passive Voice sentences

A Look at the Intriguing History of Snowboarding
By Keith Kingston

To say who actually invented the sport of snowboarding would be impossible because people have always loved to slide down a snow-covered hill. Soaring through the snow on some kind of seat or board is nothing new. The ways to enjoy the snow are numerous, and people have devised ways to turn garbage can lids and cardboard into ‘snow boards’ to enjoy an afternoon frolic outdoors. The various ways to glide through snow have become more sophisticated and have evolved into using polished boards or skis in much the same manner as a surfboarder would ride a wave.

There have been many attempts at developing a modern snowboard. In 1965, the ‘Snurfer’ (a word play on ‘snow’ and ‘surfer’) was developed as a child’s toy. Two skis were bound together and a rope was placed at the front end to afford control and stability. Over 500,000 ‘Snurfers’ were sold in 1966 but they were never seen as more than a child's plaything even though organized competitions began to take place. The year 1969 brought a slightly more sophisticated snowboard based on the principles of skiing combined with surfboard styling.

The ‘Flying Yellow Banana’ was developed in 1977. This was nothing more than a plastic shell covered with a top surface like that of a skateboard, but at the time it was considered a major advance in the little known sport of snowboarding. The first national snowboard race was held in the area outside Woodstock and was known as ‘The Suicide Six.’ The race consisted of a steep downhill run called The Face in which the main goal was probably mere survival.

Snowboarding continued to increase in popularity over the next several years. In 1985 the first magazine dedicated specifically to snowboarding hit the news stands with huge success and furthered the popularity of this exciting sport. Hoards of fans began to organize regional events and pretty soon snowboarding events were held in all parts of the world. In the year 1994 snowboarding was finally declared an Olympic event, much to the delight of fans. The not-so-new sport of snowboarding was finally recognized and meant a huge victory for serious snowboarders across the globe.

A collection of snowboarding tricks and stunts was released on video in 1996. Filmed in Alaska, the breathtaking beauty and captivating snowboarding techniques featured in the video exposed snowboarding to a new generation, and by 1998 snowboarding constituted almost 50% of all winter activity. Today, nearly all ski resorts accept snowboarders. There are still a few holding on to the past but this is unlikely to continue as the number of snowboarders continually increases.

From the first crudely built snowboards to the advanced and specialized models available today, snowboarders have carried a ‘bad boy’ image. This rebel reputation is still common today in spite of the fact that snowboarding appeals to men, women, and children of all nationalities and social groups. At most major ski resorts you can find snowboarding gear, information, and lessons. Olympic and world wide snowboarding events are among the most popular of winter sports and the competition to be the best is fierce.

Retailers nation wide and around the world carry many types of snowboards, and the choice in specially made snowboarding gear is immense. Snowboarders have participated in the X Games and even charity events such as Boarding for Breast Cancer. From its early meager beginnings snowboarding has progressed into a fully recognized sport, and large numbers of people are turning to snowboarding for adventure, fun, and professional recognition.

Keith Kingston is a professional web publisher offering information on snowboards, skiing, ski vacations, snow removal and snowmobiles at

Article Source:



31 comentarios:

Teacher Michael Rossel dijo...

Hello dear students.

Your second task will be the next:

1. Write at least 8 ideas in Passive Voice written in the text.
2. Write them in correlative order. (which is first, second, third, etc.)
3. From all the 8 ideas... give the translation (related to the text) of 4 ideas.

1. America was discovered in... (America se descibrió o fue descubierta en ...)

Any doubt just talk to me or write a post, ok?

Bye. And don't forget that the DEADLINE will be on August 7th.

Anónimo dijo...

1- To say who actually invented the sport of snowboarding would be impossible...(En realidad decir quien invento el deporte de snowboarding seria imposible)

2-There have been many attempts at developing a modern snowboard...(Han habido muchos intentos de crear un snowboard moderno)

3-Over 500,000 ‘Snurfers’ were sold in 1966...(Sobre 500 mil Snurfers fueron vendidos en 1966)

4-From the first crudely built snowboards to the advanced and specialized models available today...(Escabrosamente desde los principios se han construido snowboards hasta los modelos avanzados y especializados disponibles hoy en dia)

5-From its early meager beginnings snowboarding has progressed into a fully recognized sport.

6-A collection of snowboarding tricks and stunts was released on video in 1996.

7-pretty soon snowboarding events were held in all parts of the world.

8-The not-so-new sport of snowboarding was finally recognized.

Anónimo dijo...

1º the ‘Snurfer’ (a word play on ‘snow’ and ‘surfer’) was developed as a child’s toy
(º el 'Snurfer' (una palabra se aprovecha 'de la nieve' 'y el surfista') fue desarrollado como el juguete de un niño )

2º Two skis were bound together and a rope was placed at the front end to afford control and stability.
(Dos esquís fueron atados juntos y una cuerda fue colocada en el frontal para permitirse el control y la estabilidad.)

3º The ‘Flying Yellow Banana’ was developed in 1977.
(El Vuelo del Plátano Amarillo ' fue desarrollado en 1977)

4 ºThis was nothing more than a plastic shell covered with a top surface like that of a skateboard (Esto no era nada más que una cáscara plástica cubierta de una superficie superior como él de un monopatín )

5ºThe first national snowboard race was held in the area outside Woodstock and was known as ‘The Suicide Six.

6ºThe race consisted of a steep downhill run called The Face in which the main goal was probably mere survival.

7ºIn the year 1994 snowboarding was finally declared an Olympic event.

8ºThe not-so-new sport of snowboarding was finally recognized and meant a huge victory for serious snowboarders across the globe.

Anónimo dijo...

1º the ‘Snurfer’ (a word play on ‘snow’ and ‘surfer’) was developed as a child’s toy
(º el 'Snurfer' (una palabra se aprovecha 'de la nieve' 'y el surfista') fue desarrollado como el juguete de un niño )

2º Two skis were bound together and a rope was placed at the front end to afford control and stability.
(Dos esquís fueron atados juntos y una cuerda fue colocada en el frontal para permitirse el control y la estabilidad.)

3º The ‘Flying Yellow Banana’ was developed in 1977.
(El Vuelo del Plátano Amarillo ' fue desarrollado en 1977)

4 ºThis was nothing more than a plastic shell covered with a top surface like that of a skateboard (Esto no era nada más que una cáscara plástica cubierta de una superficie superior como él de un monopatín )

5ºThe first national snowboard race was held in the area outside Woodstock and was known as ‘The Suicide Six.

6ºThe race consisted of a steep downhill run called The Face in which the main goal was probably mere survival.

7ºIn the year 1994 snowboarding was finally declared an Olympic event.

8ºThe not-so-new sport of snowboarding was finally recognized and meant a huge victory for serious snowboarders across the globe.

Anónimo dijo...

1º the ‘Snurfer’ (a word play on ‘snow’ and ‘surfer’) was developed as a child’s toy
(º el 'Snurfer'

2º Two skis were bound together and a rope was placed at the front end to afford control and stability.

3º The ‘Flying Yellow Banana’ was developed in 1977.

4 ºThis was nothing more than a plastic shell covered with a top surface like that of a skateboard

5ºThe first national snowboard race was held in the area outside Woodstock and was known as ‘The Suicide Six.
(La primera raza(carrera) de snowboard nacional fue sostenida en el área fuera Woodstock y sabía(conocía) como ' el Suicidio Seis.)

6ºThe race consisted of a steep downhill run called The Face in which the main goal was probably mere survival.
(La raza(carrera) consistió en un descenso escarpado controlado llamó la Cara que el objetivo principal era la probablemente mera supervivencia.)

7ºIn the year 1994 snowboarding was finally declared an Olympic event.(En el año 1994 snowboarding finalmente fue declarado un acontecimiento Olímpico )

8ºThe not-so-new sport of snowboarding was finally recognized and meant a huge victory for serious snowboarders across the globe.
(El no entonces el nuevo deporte de snowboarding finalmente fue reconocido y quiso decir una enorme victoria para snowboarders serios a través del globo)

Anónimo dijo...

1º. the "Snurfer" (a world play on snow and surfer) was developed as a child's toy.
2º.Two skis were bound together and a rope was placed at the front end to afford control and stability.(DOS ESQUIS FUERON ATADOS JUNTOS Y UNA CUERDA FUE COLOCADA EN EL FRONTAL PARA PERMITIRSE EL CONTROL Y LA ESTABILIDAD).
3º.The flying Yellow Banana was developed in 1977.
4º.This way nothing more than a plastic shell covered with a top surface like that of a skateboard(ESTO NO ERA NADA MAS QUE UNA CASCARA PLASTICA CUBIERTA DE UNA SUPERFICIE SUPERIOR COMO EL DE UN MONOPATIN.)
5º.The first national snowboard race was held in the area outside Woodstock and was known as The suicide six.
6º.The race consisted of a steep downhill run called The face in wich the main goal was probably mere survival.(LA CARRERA CONSISTIO EN UN DESCENSO ESCARPADO CONTROLADO LLAMÓ LA CARA QUE EL OBJETIVO PRINCIPAL ERA LA MERA SUPERVIVENCIA).
7º.In the year 1994 snowboarding was fianlly declared an Olympic event.
8º.The not-so-new sport of snowboarding was finally recognized and meant a huge victory for serious snowboarders across the globe.(EL NO ENTONCES EL NUEVO DEPORTE DE SNOWBOARDING FINALMENTE FUE RECONOCIDO Y QUIZO UNA ENORME VICTORIA PARA LOS SNOWBOARDERS A TRAVES DEL GLOBO (MUNDO).)

Anónimo dijo...

1) The ‘Flying Yellow Banana’ was developed in 1977.
(El Vuelo del Plátano Amarillo ' fue desarrollado en 1977.)

2)This was nothing more than a plastic shell covered with a top surface like that of a skateboard,
(Esto no era nada más que una cáscara plástica cubierta de una superficie superior como él de un monopatín)

3)but at the time it was considered a major advance in the little known sport of snowboarding.
(pero en el tiempo fue considerado un avance principal en el pequeño deporte sabido(conocido) de snowboarding.)

4)In the year 1994 snowboarding was finally declared an Olympic event
(En el año 1994 snowboarding finalmente fue declarado un acontecimiento Olímpico )

5)The not-so-new sport of snowboarding was finally recognized and meant a huge victory for serious snowboarders across the globe.

6)A collection of snowboarding tricks and stunts was released on video in 1996.

7) the ‘Snurfer’ (a word play on ‘snow’ and ‘surfer’) was developed as a child’s toy.

8)Two skis were bound together and a rope was placed at the front end to afford control and stability

Anónimo dijo...

1ºwho actually invented the sport of snowboarding
(quien en realidad invento el deporte de snowboarding)

2ºthe people have always loved to slide down a snow-covered hill
(a la gente siempre le gustaba deslizarse bajo una colina)

3ºthe people have deviced ways to turn gabage
(la gente a inventado modo de dar vuelta la basura)

4ºthe flying yellow banana was developed in 1977
(el vuelo del platano amarillo fue desarrollado en 1977)

5ºthe surfer was developed as a child toy

6ºa rope was placed at the fron

7º500.000 snurfers were sold in 1966

8ºorganized competitions began to take place

stephanie bustamante

Anónimo dijo...

1.-Really, nobody know whon invented this deport, because everybody sometimes whan we was chids, played to slip on the snow for the hill.
(realmente, nadie sabe quien invento este deporte porque todos alguna vez jugamos a resbalar en la nieve por una colina)

2.-There have been many attempts at developing a modern snowboard...(Han habido muchos intentos de crear un snowboard moderno)

3.-The "Flying Yellow Banana� was developed in 1977. only was to add a plastic shell but is considered a change important.
(el que volaba en el platana fue convertido in 1977, solamente fue aderir una capa plastica, pero es considerado un cambio muy importante)

4.-The popularity of this sport was grewing much until that in 1994 was declared an Olympic event.
this was a great victory for the serious snowboarders across the globe. (la popularidad de este deporte fue creciendo mucho hasta que fue declarado un evento olimpico. esta fue una gran victoria para los serios snowboarders a traves de todo el mundo.)

5.-A collection of snowboarding tricks and stunts was released on video in 1996.There are still a few holding on to the past but they already can't change this situation because his popularity increases every day.

6.-The snowboarders even haven a bad image, although this sport is practiced for men, womens and childs of all social groups.

7.-Olympic and world wide snowboarding events are among the most popular of winter sports and the competition to be the best is fierce.

8.-From his beginnings until today the snowboadr been progresed much, and is recognized for the all the peoples becuase been participated from the X Games until in events of charity.

Ninosca Acu�a

Anónimo dijo...

1 the ‘Snurfer’ (a word play on ‘snow’ and ‘surfer’) was developed as a child’s toy
(º el 'Snurfer' (una palabra se aprovecha 'de la nieve' 'y el surfista') fue desarrollado como el juguete de un niño )

2 There have been many attempts at developing a modern snowboard...
(Han habido muchos intentos de crear un snowboard moderno)

3 The ‘Flying Yellow Banana’ was developed in 1977.
(El Vuelo del Plátano Amarillo ' fue desarrollado en 1977)

4 This was nothing more than a plastic shell covered with a top surface like that of a skateboard (Esto no era nada más que una cáscara plástica cubierta de una superficie superior como él de un monopatín )

5 The first national snowboard race was held in the area outside Woodstock and was known as ‘The Suicide Six.
(La primera raza(carrera) de snowboard nacional fue sostenida en el área fuera Woodstock y sabía(conocía) como ' el Suicidio Seis.)

6 The race consisted of a steep downhill run called The Face in which the main goal was probably mere survival.
(La raza(carrera) consistió en un descenso escarpado controlado llamó la Cara que el objetivo principal era la probablemente mera supervivencia.)

7 In the year 1994 snowboarding was finally declared an Olympic event.

8 The not-so-new sport of snowboarding was finally recognized.

barbara bustos

Anónimo dijo...

1.- To say who actually invented the sport of snowboarding would be impossible...(En realidad decir quien invento el deporte de snowboarding seria imposible)

2.- Two skis were bound together and a rope was placed at the front end to afford control and stability.

3.- The ‘Flying Yellow Banana’ was developed in 1977.
(El Vuelo del Plátano Amarillo ' fue desarrollado en 1977)

4.- This was nothing more than a plastic shell covered with a top surface like that of a skateboard (Esto no era nada más que una cáscara plástica cubierta de una superficie superior como él de un monopatín )

5.- The first national snowboard race was held in the area outside Woodstock and was known as ‘The Suicide Six.
(La primera raza(carrera) de snowboard nacional fue sostenida en el área fuera Woodstock y sabía(conocía) como ' el Suicidio Seis.)

6.- The snowboarders even haven a bad image, although this sport is practiced for men, womens and childs of all social groups.

7.- 500.000 snurfers were sold in 1966

8.- The not-so-new sport of snowboarding was finally recognized.

Nidia Ahumada.

Anónimo dijo...

1- The snowboarding constitud almost 50% of all winter activity today nerly all sky resorts accept snowboarders. ( el snowboarding constituyo casi el 50% de todas las estaciones de esqui donde aceptan a sus snowboarders)
2- A collection of snowboarding tricks and stunts was released in video of 1996 filmed in Alaska. ( una coleccion de trucos de snowboarding fue realizada en el video de 1996 filmado en Alaska.)
3- Beauty and captivating snowboarding techniques featured in the video exposed snowboarding to a new generation.(impresionante y encantadoras las tecnicas de snowboarding destacadas en el video que expusieron a una nueva generacion.)
4- There have been many attemps at developing a modern snowboard. (han habido intentos de crear un snowboard moderno)
5- the year 1994 snowboarding was finally declare an olympic event.
6- a rope was placed at the fron.
7- the 500.000 over " snufears" were sold in 1966.
8- the surfer was developed as a chid toy.
shirley samit 4ªf

Anónimo dijo...
Este blog ha sido eliminado por un administrador de blog.
Anónimo dijo...

1-A collection of snowboarding tricks and stunts was released on video in 1996.

una coleccion de trucos de snowboarding fue realizada en el video de 1996 filmado en Alaska

2-In the year 1994 snowboarding was finally declared an Olympic event.

En el año 1994 snowboarding finalmente fue declarado un acontecimiento Olímpico.

3-The ‘Flying Yellow Banana’ was developed in 1977.

El Vuelo del Plátano Amarillo ' fue desarrollado en 1977

4-The year 1969 brought a slightly more sophisticated snowboard based on the principles of skiing combined with surfboard styling.

El año 1969 trajo un snowboard levemente más sofisticado basado en los principios del esquí combinados con labrar de la tabla de surf.

5-Olympic and world wide snowboarding events are among the most popular of winter sports and the competition to be the best is fierce.

6-The race consisted of a steep downhill run called The Face in which the main goal was probably mere survival.

7-A collection of snowboarding tricks and stunts was released on video in 1996.

8-Keith Kingston is a professional web publisher offering information on snowboards



Anónimo dijo...

1º the ‘Snurfer’ (a word play on ‘snow’ and ‘surfer’) was developed as a child’s toy

2º Two skis were bound together and a rope was placed at the front end to afford control and stability.

3º The ‘Flying Yellow Banana’ was developed in 1977.

4 ºThis was nothing more than a plastic shell covered with a top surface like that of a skateboard

5ºThe first national snowboard race was held in the area outside Woodstock and was known as ‘The Suicide Six.
(La primera raza(carrera) de snowboard nacional fue sostenida en el área fuera Woodstock y sabía(conocía) como ' el Suicidio Seis.)

6ºThe race consisted of a steep downhill run called The Face in which the main goal was probably mere survival.
(La raza(carrera) consistió en un descenso escarpado controlado llamó la Cara que el objetivo principal era la probablemente mera supervivencia.)

7ºIn the year 1994 snowboarding was finally declared an Olympic event.(En el año 1994 snowboarding finalmente fue declarado un acontecimiento Olímpico )

8ºThe not-so-new sport of snowboarding was finally recognized and meant a huge victory for serious snowboarders across the globe.
(El no entonces el nuevo deporte de snowboarding finalmente fue reconocido y quiso decir una enorme victoria para snowboarders serios a través del globo)


Anónimo dijo...

1º the ‘Snurfer’ (a word play on ‘snow’ and ‘surfer’) was developed as a child’s toy

2º Two skis were bound together and a rope was placed at the front end to afford control and stability.

3º The ‘Flying Yellow Banana’ was developed in 1977.

4 ºThis was nothing more than a plastic shell covered with a top surface like that of a skateboard

5ºThe first national snowboard race was held in the area outside Woodstock and was known as ‘The Suicide Six.
(La primera raza(carrera) de snowboard nacional fue sostenida en el área fuera Woodstock y sabía(conocía) como ' el Suicidio Seis.)

6ºThe race consisted of a steep downhill run called The Face in which the main goal was probably mere survival.
(La raza(carrera) consistió en un descenso escarpado controlado llamó la Cara que el objetivo principal era la probablemente mera supervivencia.)

7ºIn the year 1994 snowboarding was finally declared an Olympic event.(En el año 1994 snowboarding finalmente fue declarado un acontecimiento Olímpico )

8ºThe not-so-new sport of snowboarding was finally recognized and meant a huge victory for serious snowboarders across the globe.
(El no entonces el nuevo deporte de snowboarding finalmente fue reconocido y quiso decir una enorme victoria para snowboarders serios a través del globo)


Anónimo dijo...

1º the ‘Snurfer’ (a word play on ‘snow’ and ‘surfer’) was developed as a child’s toy

2º Two skis were bound together and a rope was placed at the front end to afford control and stability.

3º The ‘Flying Yellow Banana’ was developed in 1977.

4 ºThis was nothing more than a plastic shell covered with a top surface like that of a skateboard

5ºThe first national snowboard race was held in the area outside Woodstock and was known as ‘The Suicide Six.
(La primera raza(carrera) de snowboard nacional fue sostenida en el área fuera Woodstock y sabía(conocía) como ' el Suicidio Seis.)

6ºThe race consisted of a steep downhill run called The Face in which the main goal was probably mere survival.
(La raza(carrera) consistió en un descenso escarpado controlado llamó la Cara que el objetivo principal era la probablemente mera supervivencia.)

7ºIn the year 1994 snowboarding was finally declared an Olympic event.(En el año 1994 snowboarding finalmente fue declarado un acontecimiento Olímpico )

8ºThe not-so-new sport of snowboarding was finally recognized and meant a huge victory for serious snowboarders across the globe.
(El no entonces el nuevo deporte de snowboarding finalmente fue reconocido y quiso decir una enorme victoria para snowboarders serios a través del globo)


Anónimo dijo...

1-To say who actually invented the sport of snowboarding would be impossible...(En realidad decir quien invento el deporte de snowboarding seria imposible)

2-Two skis were bound together and a rope was placed at the front end to afford control and stability.

3-The flying Yellow Banana was developed in 1977.

4-In the year 1994 snowboarding was finally declared an Olympic event

5-The not-so-new sport of snowboarding was finally recognized and meant a huge victory for serious snowboarders across the globe.

6-a rope was placed at the fron

7-Olympic and world wide snowboarding events are among the most popular of winter sports and the competition to be the best is fierce

8-The not-so-new sport of snowboarding was finally recognized and meant a huge victory for serious snowboarders across the globe

Anónimo dijo...

aHí tA!!

1-Keith Kingston is a professional web publisher offering information on snowboards
2-A collection of snowboarding tricks and stunts was released on video in 1996.
3-The race consisted of a steep downhill run called The Face in which the main goal was probably mere survival.
4-The year 1969 brought a slightly more sophisticated snowboard based on the principles of skiing combined with surfboard styling.

El año 1969 trajo un snowboard levemente más sofisticado basado en los principios del esquí combinados con labrar de la tabla de surf.

5-Olympic and world wide snowboarding events are among the most popular of winter sports and the competition to be the best is fierce.
6-The ‘Flying Yellow Banana’ was developed in 1977.

El Vuelo del Plátano Amarillo ' fue desarrollado en 1977
7-In the year 1994 snowboarding was finally declared an Olympic event.

En el año 1994 snowboarding finalmente fue declarado un acontecimiento Olímpico.
8-A collection of snowboarding tricks and stunts was released on video in 1996.

una coleccion de trucos de snowboarding fue realizada en el video de 1996 filmado en Alaska

BY_rOjO!!! G-Z

Anónimo dijo...

1°-Two skis were bound together and a rope was placed at the front end to afford control and stability.

-Dos esquís fueron atados juntos y una cuerda fue colocada en el frontal para permitirse el control y la estabilidad.

2° -The flying Yellow Banana was developed in 1977.

3° -To say who actually invented the sport of snowboarding would be impossible.

-En realidad decir quien invento el deporte de snowboarding seria imposible.

4° -Retailers nation wide and around the world carry many types of snowboards.

-Los minoristas a escala nacional y alrededor del mundo llevan muchos tipos de snowboards.

5°- This rebel reputation is still common today in spite of the fact that snowboarding appeals to men, women, and children of all nationalities and social groups.

-Esta reputación rebelde sigue siendo campo común a pesar de que snowboarding hoy súplicas a los hombres, las mujeres, y los niños de todas las nacionalidades y los grupos sociales.

6°-Today, nearly all ski resorts accept snowboarders.

7°-The race consisted of a steep downhill run called The Face in which the main goal was probably mere survival.

8°-The year 1969 brought a slightly more sophisticated snowboard based on the principles of skiing combined with surfboard styling.

Anónimo dijo...

1º the ‘Snurfer’ (a word play on ‘snow’ and ‘surfer’) was developed as a child’s toy
(º el 'Snurfer' (una palabra se aprovecha 'de la nieve' 'y el surfista') fue desarrollado como el juguete de un niño )

2º Two skis were bound together and a rope was placed at the front end to afford control and stability.
(Dos esquís fueron atados juntos y una cuerda fue colocada en el frontal para permitirse el control y la estabilidad.)

3º The ‘Flying Yellow Banana’ was developed in 1977.
(El Vuelo del Plátano Amarillo ' fue desarrollado en 1977)

4 ºThis was nothing more than a plastic shell covered with a top surface like that of a skateboard (Esto no era nada más que una cáscara plástica cubierta de una superficie superior como él de un monopatín )

5ºThe first national snowboard race was held in the area outside Woodstock and was known as ‘The Suicide Six.

6ºThe race consisted of a steep downhill run called The Face in which the main goal was probably mere survival.

7ºIn the year 1994 snowboarding was finally declared an Olympic event.

8ºThe not-so-new sport of snowboarding was finally recognized and meant a huge victory for serious snowboarders across the globe.

Anónimo dijo...

1- To say who actually invented the sport of snowboarding would be impossible...(En realidad decir quien invento el deporte de snowboarding seria imposible)

2-There have been many attempts at developing a modern snowboard...(Han habido muchos intentos de crear un snowboard moderno)

3-Over 500,000 ‘Snurfers’ were sold in 1966...(Sobre 500 mil Snurfers fueron vendidos en 1966)

4-From the first crudely built snowboards to the advanced and specialized models available today...(Escabrosamente desde los principios se han construido snowboards hasta los modelos avanzados y especializados disponibles hoy en dia)

5-From its early meager beginnings snowboarding has progressed into a fully recognized sport.

6-A collection of snowboarding tricks and stunts was released on video in 1996.

7-pretty soon snowboarding events were held in all parts of the world.

8-The not-so-new sport of snowboarding was finally recognized.

Anónimo dijo...

1.-Really, nobody know whon invented this deport, because everybody sometimes whan we was chids, played to slip on the snow for the hill.
(realmente, nadie sabe quien invento este deporte porque todos alguna vez jugamos a resbalar en la nieve por una colina)

2.-There have been many attempts at developing a modern snowboard...(Han habido muchos intentos de crear un snowboard moderno)

3.-The "Flying Yellow Banana� was developed in 1977. only was to add a plastic shell but is considered a change important.
(el que volaba en el platana fue convertido in 1977, solamente fue aderir una capa plastica, pero es considerado un cambio muy importante)

4.-The popularity of this sport was grewing much until that in 1994 was declared an Olympic event.
this was a great victory for the serious snowboarders across the globe. (la popularidad de este deporte fue creciendo mucho hasta que fue declarado un evento olimpico. esta fue una gran victoria para los serios snowboarders a traves de todo el mundo.)

5.-A collection of snowboarding tricks and stunts was released on video in 1996.There are still a few holding on to the past but they already can't change this situation because his popularity increases every day.

6.-The snowboarders even haven a bad image, although this sport is practiced for men, womens and childs of all social groups.

7.-Olympic and world wide snowboarding events are among the most popular of winter sports and the competition to be the best is fierce.

8.-From his beginnings until today the snowboadr been progresed much, and is recognized for the all the peoples becuase been participated from the X Games until in events of charity.

Anónimo dijo...

Alejandra Lara rodriguez( la mas rica!!! xD! ) dijo:

1* Today, nearly all ski resorts accept snowboarders... (Hoy, casi todos los recursos de esquí aceptan snowboarders...)

2*A collection of snowboarding tricks and stunts was released on video in 1996...(Una colección de trucos y de trucos snowboarding fue lanzada en el vídeo en 1996...)

3*The ‘Flying Yellow Banana’ was developed in 1977...(El `que volaba el plátano amarillo' fue desarrollado en 1977...)

4*The first national snowboard race was held in the area outside Woodstock and was known as ‘The Suicide Six(La primera raza nacional del snowboard fue celebrada en el área fuera de Woodstock y conocida como `el suicidio seises)

5* snowboarders have carried a ‘bad boy’ image...

6* From its early meager beginnings snowboarding has progressed into a fully recognized sport...

7* Retailers nation wide and around the world carry many types of snowboards (...)

8* Snowboarders have participated in the X Games and even charity events such as Boarding for Breast Cancer(...)

Anónimo dijo...

1-Keith Kingston is a professional web publisher offering information on snowboards
2-A collection of snowboarding tricks and stunts was released on video in 1996.
3-The race consisted of a steep downhill run called The Face in which the main goal was probably mere survival.
4-The year 1969 brought a slightly more sophisticated snowboard based on the principles of skiing combined with surfboard styling.

El año 1969 trajo un snowboard levemente más sofisticado basado en los principios del esquí combinados con labrar de la tabla de surf.

5-Olympic and world wide snowboarding events are among the most popular of winter sports and the competition to be the best is fierce.
6-The ‘Flying Yellow Banana’ was developed in 1977.

El Vuelo del Plátano Amarillo ' fue desarrollado en 1977
7-In the year 1994 snowboarding was finally declared an Olympic event.

En el año 1994 snowboarding finalmente fue declarado un acontecimiento Olímpico.
8-A collection of snowboarding tricks and stunts was released on video in 1996.

una coleccion de trucos de snowboarding fue realizada en el video de 1996 filmado en Alaska

Anónimo dijo...

1- the ‘Snurfer’ (a word play on ‘snow’ and ‘surfer’) was developed as a child’s toy
(º el 'Snurfer'

2-A collection of snowboarding tricks and stunts was released on video in 1996

3-The not-so-new sport of snowboarding was finally recognized.

4- The ‘Flying Yellow Banana’ was developed in 1977.

(español):El Vuelo del Plátano Amarillo ' fue desarrollado en 1977

5-The first national snowboard race was held in the area outside Woodstock and was known as ‘The Suicide Six.

6-In the year 1994 snowboarding was finally declared an Olympic event.

(español):En el año 1994 snowboarding finalmente fue declarado un acontecimiento Olímpico

7-Two skis were bound together and a rope was placed at the front end to afford control and stability.


8-but at the time it was considered a major advance in the little known sport of snowboarding.

(español):pero en el tiempo fue considerado un avance principal en el pequeño deporte(conocido) de snowboarding.

ingrid albornoz

Anónimo dijo...

1-Snowboarding continued to increase in popularity over the next several years)

1-El Snowboarding contiuo incrementando en popularidad durante los años siguientes.

2-In the year 1994 snowboarding was finally declared an Olympic event, much to the delight of fans

2- En 1994 el snowboarding fue declarado finalmente como un evento olimpico, para el deleite de muchos fanaticos.

3-A collection of snowboarding tricks and stunts was released on video in 1996

3- Una coleccion de trucos y azañas fueron lanzados en video en 1996

4-The ‘Flying Yellow Banana’ was developed in 1977

4-The "Flying Yellow Banana"(Banana Amarilla Voladora) was developed in 1977

5-In 1965, the ‘Snurfer’ (a word play on ‘snow’ and ‘surfer’) was developed as a child’s toy

5-En 1965 el "snurfer" (un juego de palabras entre "nieve" y " navegador") fue lanzado como un jugete de niños

6-The race consisted of a steep downhill

6- La carrera consistio en una empinada bajada de colina.

7-In 1985 the first magazine dedicated specifically to snowboarding hit the news

7- En 1985 la primera revista dedicada específicamente al snowboarding tuvo éxito en las noticias.

8- The not-so-new sport of snowboarding was finally recognized

8- El no muy conocido deporte del snowboarding fue finalmente reconocido.


Anónimo dijo...

1°-Two skis were bound together and a rope was placed at the front end to afford control and stability.

-Dos esquís fueron atados juntos y una cuerda fue colocada en el frontal para permitirse el control y la estabilidad.

2° -The flying Yellow Banana was developed in 1977.

3° -To say who actually invented the sport of snowboarding would be impossible.

-En realidad decir quien invento el deporte de snowboarding seria imposible.

4° -Retailers nation wide and around the world carry many types of snowboards.

-Los minoristas a escala nacional y alrededor del mundo llevan muchos tipos de snowboards.

5°- This rebel reputation is still common today in spite of the fact that snowboarding appeals to men, women, and children of all nationalities and social groups.

-Esta reputación rebelde sigue siendo campo común a pesar de que snowboarding hoy súplicas a los hombres, las mujeres, y los niños de todas las nacionalidades y los grupos sociales.

6°-Today, nearly all ski resorts accept snowboarders.

7°-The race consisted of a steep downhill run called The Face in which the main goal was probably mere survival.

8°-The year 1969 brought a slightly more sophisticated snowboard based on the principles of skiing combined with surfboard styling.

Anónimo dijo...

Gonzalo Choque Marin

-There have been many attempts at developing a modern snowboard

-han habido muchos intentos de sacar al mercado un snowboard moderno
-The first national snowboard race was held in the area outside Woodstock

-la primera carrera nacional de snowboard celebrada en una area a las afueras de Woodstock
-Snowboarding continued to increase in popularity

-El snowboarding continuo incrementando su polularidad
-In the year 1994 snowboarding was finally declared an Olympic event

-En el año 1994 el snowboarding fue declarado finalmente como un evento olimpico
-Snowboarders have participated in the X Games

-Snowboarders an participado en los X games

-Today, nearly all ski resorts accept snowboarders...

-Hoy en dia , cerca de todos los hoteles de ski aceptan a snowboarders.
-Over 500,000 ‘Snurfers’ were sold in 1966

- cErca de 500000 snurfers fueron vendidos en 1966
-From its early meager beginnings snowboarding has progressed into a fully recognized sport,

-Desde esos precarios comienzos el snowboarding fue progresando en un deporte totalmente reconocido

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