lunes, septiembre 24, 2007

Daily Routines II (Primer año G)

Write 3 sentences using each adverb of frequency seen in class:


(Vistos los adverbios de frecuencia: ALWAYS, USUALLY, OFTEN, SOMETIMES, NEVER, por cada una de ellas, escribe 3 oraciones en inglés referente a actividades que haces en la semana .)


23 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

yo siempre ayudo a mi mama a cocinar
I always help my breast to cook

yo siempre desuayuno por las mañanas
I always desuayuno by the mornings

yo siempre me como toda la comida
I always me like all the food

yo usualmente hago mi cama
I usually make my bed

yo usualmente salgo de noche
I usually leave at night

yo usualmente tomo agua
I usually take water

yo a menudo limpio la casa
I often clean the house

yo a menudo hago mis tareas
I often make my tasks

yo a menudo hago ejercicio
I often make exercise

yo abecés escucho musica
I alphabets listen to music

yo abecés lavo mi ropa
I alphabets wash my clothes

yo abecés juego cartas
I alphabets play cards

yo nunca molesto a mis amigos
I never bother my friends

yo nunca he fumado
I never and smoked

yo nunca he tomado cerveza
I never and taken beer

name:rafael gaete

Anónimo dijo...

♥Daniela Lobos Gonzalez♥

*yo siempre compro el pan
I alweys but the bread
*yo siempre ayudo a lavar
I always help to wash
*yo siempre salgo a la playa
I always leave to the beach

*yo usualmente hago mi cama
I usually make mi bed
*yo usualmente voy al cine
I usually go to the cinema
*yo usualmente hago tareas
I usually make the tasks

*yo a menudo recojo la basura
I often gather the sweepings
*yo a menudo lavo la loza
I often wash the stoneware
*yo a menudo hablo por telefono
I often speak by telephone

*yo aveces juego futbol
I accustom i play soccer
*yo aveces como torta
I accustom like cake
*yo aveces juego tenis
I accustom i play tennis

*yo nunca he robado
I never have robbed
*yo nunca he copiado
I never have copied
*yo nunca he peliado
I never read books

daniela lobos 1ºG

Anónimo dijo...

yo nunca hago mi cama
I never do my bed

yo nunca ordeno mi dormitorio
I never arrange my bedroom

yo nunca peleo con mi hermano
I never fight with my brother

yo siempre escucho musica
I always listen to music

yo siempre comparto con mis amigos
I always share with my friends

yo siempre voy al gimnasio
I always go to the gymnasium

yo abeces voy a la playa
I alphabets go to the beach

yo abeces hago tareas
I alphabets do tasks

yo abeces practico yoga
I alphabets practice yoga

yo a menudo duermo
I often sleep

yo a menudo camino por la playa
I often walk by the beach

yo a menudo viajo a iquique
I often travel to iquique

yo usualmente salgo con mis amigos
I usually leave with my friends

yo usualmente leo biografias de la musica que me gusta
I usually read biographies of the music that I like

yo usualmente salgo de compras con mi mama
I usually go shopping with my breast

Anónimo dijo...

I always help to arrange my house
I always see the televisi�n
I always play with my pet
I usually play football
I usually do my task
usually I go to the cemetery
I often go to the beach
I often listen to music
I often bathe my pet
I sometimes go to the house of my dad
I sometimes computing game
I sometimes cook for my sisters
I have never had play
I have never gone to tirana
I never watch to my grandfather

Anónimo dijo...

I always play play
I always take a sleep
I always see tv

I usually do exercise(fiscal year)
I usually play football
I usually walk in bicycle

I often help to order(arrange)
I often help to cook
I often play with my dog

I sometimes play with my brother
I sometimes wash the slab
I sometimes go to the beach

I never walk the dog
I never arrange my piece
I never do my task

Anónimo dijo...

I always play in my skate
I always play KalOnline a game
I always go to the Skate Park
I usually go to the beach
I usually play football
I usually go to the college
I often go to the park
I often go to the work of my father
I often play playstation
I sometimes go to the stadium
I sometimes play football with my brother
I sometimes do not go to the ciber
I never arrange my Bedroom
I never adorn my house
I never me and left of falling down

Ivan Zambrano <3 Sk8 <3

Anónimo dijo...

I always play with my sisters.
yo siempre juego con mis hermanas.
I always am going to pasiar in the afternoons.
yo siempre voy a pasiar en las tardes.
I always am going to buy.
yo siempre voy a comprar.

I usually leave at night.
yo usualmente salgo por la noche.
I usually visit my cousins.
yo usualmente visito a mis primos.
I usually must leave.
yo usualmente tengo que salir.

I often work in the business.
yo a menudo trabajo en el negocio.
I often leave for the beach.
yo a menudo salgo para la playa.
I often go of stroll.
yo a menudo voy de paseo.

I sometimes go to the cemetery.
yo a veces voy al cementerio.
I sometimes help my aunt.
yo a veces ayudo a mi tía.
I sometimes am going to play PS2.
yo a veces voy a jugar play station 2.

I never fight with my sisters.
yo nunca peleo con mis hermanas.
I never lie down early.
yo nunca me acuesto temprano.
I never escape of my house.
yo nunca me escapo de mi casa.


Anónimo dijo...

yo siempre ayudo a mi mama a cocinar
I always help my breast to cook

yo siempre comparto con mis amigos
I always share with my friends

yo siempre salgo a la playa
I always leave to the beach

yo abecés escucho musica
I alphabets listen to music

yo abeces hago tareas
I alphabets do tasks

yo aveces juego futbol

geraldine ortega 1g
I accustom i play soccer

Anónimo dijo...

1.-I always wash the teeth
Yo siempre me lavo los dientes

2.-I always change of clothes
Yo siempre me cambio de ropa

3.-I always arrange my notebooks
Yo siemopre ordeno mis cuadernos

4.-I usually wash the hair
Yo usualmente me lavo el pelo

5.-I ususally clean my sapatillas
Yo usualmente lavo mis sapatillas

6.-I ususally read books of reading
Yo ususalmente leo libro de lecturas

7.-I often play with my brothers
Yo a menudo juego con mis hermanos

8.-I often bathe the dog
Yo a menudo baño al perro

9.-I often video game games
Yo a menudo juego video juegos

10.-I sometimes cook
Yo a veces cocino

11.-I sometimes consume veduras
Yo a veces ingiero verduras

12.-I sometimes draw cartoons
Yo sometimes dibujo caricaturas

13.-I never see soap operas
Yo nunca veo la opera

14.-I never strike my brothers
Yo nunca golpeo a mis hermanos

15.-I never use lenses
Yo nunca uso lentes

Jorge Silva 1 "G"


Anónimo dijo...

mario vásquez 1ºG dijo...

1. yo siempre hago mi dormitorio
I always make my dormitory

2. yo Veo siempre la TV
I always see TV

3. yo siempre juego con mis amigos
I always play with my friends

4. yo siempre escucho musica
I always listen to music

5. yo amenudo estudio
I often study

6. yo a menudo limpio la casa
I often clean the house

7. yo a menudo duermo
I often sleep

8. Juego a veces con la computadora
I sometimes play computer

9. yo asualmente voy a la playa
I usually go to the beach

10. yo a veces hago ejercicios
I sometimes make exercises

11. yo nunca lavo mi ropa
I never wash my clothes

12. yo nunca he tomado vino
I never have taken wine

13. Nunca he fumado
I never have smoked

14. Nunca he robado
I never have robbed

15. yo nunca leo libros
I never read books

Anónimo dijo...

1ºyo siempre salgo a la calle
I always go out to the street

2ºyo siempre ocupo el computador
I always occupy the computer

3ºyo siempre me lavo la cara
I always wash the face

1ºyo usualmente hago mis tareas
I usually do my tasks

2ºyo usualmente hago ejercicios
I usually do exercises

3ºyo usualmente limpio mi casa
I usually clean my house

1ºyo a menudo cuido a mi hermana
I often take care of my sister

2ºyo a menudo lustro mis zapatos
I often shine my shoes

3ºyo a menudo juego fotbol
I often play Football

1ºyo aveces limpio el auto
I sometimes clean the car

2ºyo aveces voy al cine
I sometimes i go to cinema

3ºyo aveces lavo mi ropa
I sometimes wash my clothes

1ºyo nunca lavo los platos
I never wash the plates

2ºyo nunca saco a pasiar a mi perro
I never coat to walk to my dog

3ºyo nunca ando en patineta
I never walk in skate

Emmanuel Gutierrez

Anónimo dijo...

yo siempre juego futbol
I always game soccer

yo siempre juego play station
I always game play satation

yo siempre hago las tareas
I always i do the tasks

yo usualmente veo television
I usually i see tv

yo usualmente ordeno mi cuarto
I usually i orden my bedroom

yo usualmente escucho musica
I usually I listen to music

yo amenudo me baño
I often i bathe

yo amnudo voy a entrenar
I often i go to training

yo amenudo voy a la playa
I often i go to the beach

yo aveces voy al estadio
I sometimes i go the stadium

yo aveces me saco buenas notas
I sometimes me extract good notes

yo aveces me porto mal
I sometimes me carry bad

yo nunca fumo cigarros
I never smoke cigarettes

yo nunca e tomado alcohol
I never and take alcohol

yo nunca insulto a mis amigos
I never insult to my friends

Rodrigo Ramirez

Anónimo dijo...

yo siempre juego computador
I always game comuter

yo siempre ando en auto
I always walk in car

yo siempre salgo a la calle
I always leave to the street

yo usualmente veo television
I usually see tv

yo usualmente juego tennis
I usually game tennis

yo usualmente juego play station
I usually game play station

yo amenudo hago mi cuarto
I often i do my bedroom

yo amenudo juego futbol
I often game soccer

yo amenudo hago mis tareas
I often i do my tasks

yo aveces voy donde mi abuelo
I sometimes i go where my

yo aveces voy a la playa
I sometimes i go the beach

yo aveces juego con mis hermanas
I sometimes game with my sisters

yo nunca ayudo a limpiar la casa
I never help to clean the house

yo nunca ayudo a cocinar
I never help to cook

yo nunca hago ejercicio
I never make exercise

Jorge Martinez

Anónimo dijo...


1)I usually go to the machines
2)usualmante I play soccer
3)I usually am going to buy
1) I never like chocolate
2)I never tinkle in the street
3) I never play football
1) I often play to the soccer.
2) I often watching tv.
3) I often go to the school.

1) I sometimes sleep in afternoon
2) I sometimes go to the Bolivia
3) I you sometimes wash teth
1) I always go to the kitshen
2) I always go tho the cemetry
3) I and brother always the play football

Juan Garcìa 1ºG

Garra Blanca

Anónimo dijo...

jaquelin catalan 1ºG dijo...

*yo siempre ayudo a mi mama a cocinar
I always help my breast to cook

*yo siempre me como toda la comida
I always me like all the food
*yo siempre ayudo a lavar
I always help to wash

*yo usualmente hago mi cama
I usually make my bed

*yo usualmente hago tareas
I usually make the tasks

*yo usualmente leo biografias
I usually read biographies

*yo a menudo limpio la casa
I often clean the house

*yo a menudo hablo por telefono
I often speak by telephone

*yo a menudo lavo la ropa
I often wash the clothes

*yo abeces escucho musica
I alphabets listen to music

*yo abeces estudio
I alphabets estudy

*yo abeces voy a la playa
I alphabets go to the beach

*yo nunca molesto a mis amigas
I never bother my friends

*yo nunca he peleado
I never read books

*yo nunca e tomado alcohol
I never and take alcohol

Anónimo dijo...


- I always leave to the beach
(Yo siempre salgo a la playa)

- I always am going to buy
(Yo siempre voy a comprar)

- I always wash the teeth
(Yo siempre me lavo los dientes)


- I usually see tv
(yo usualmente veo television)

- I usually i orden my bedroom
(Yo usualmente ordeno mi cuarto)

- I usually clean my house
(Yo usualmente limpio mi casa)


- I often go of stroll
(Yo a menudo voy de paseo)

- I often make my tasks
(Yo a menudo hago mis tareas)

- I often study
(Yo a menudo estudio)


- I sometimes i go the stadium
(Yo a veces voy al estadio)

- I sometimes play computer
(Yo Juego a veces con la

- I sometimes am going to play PS2
(Yo a veces voy a jugar play
station 2)


- I never strike my brothers
(Yo nunca golpeo a mis hermanos)

- I never wash my clothes
(Yo nunca lavo mi ropa)

- I never and take alcohol
(Yo nunca e tomado alcohol)

Javier Rivera 1ºG

Anónimo dijo...

Mario Vásquez 1ºG dijo…

*Yo siempre juego fútbol con mis amigos
I always play soccer with my friends

*yo siempre escucho musica
I always listen to music

*yo siempre tomo desayuno en la cama
I always volume breakfast in the bed

*yo usualmente hago mi dormitorio
I usually make my dormitory

*yo usualmente hago ejercicios
I usually make my exercises

*yo usualmente hago tareas
I usually make my tasks

* Yo a menudo limpio la casa
I often clean the house

*yo a menudo juego computadora
I often play computer

* Yo a menudo duermo
I often sleep

*yo abecés lavo mi ropa
I alphabets wash my clothes

*yo abecés voy a comprar pan
I alphabets am going to buy bread

* Yo abecés juego cartas
I alphabets play cards

*yo nunca hago mi cama
I never make my bed

*Yo nunca he tomado vino
I never have taken wine

*Yo nunca he robado
I never have robbed

Anónimo dijo...

Camila Contreras Carro

She always eat early
She always plays soccer
They always visit the cathedral

The children usually arrive late
Y usually finish the tasks
she usually mind to eat bread

They often go to Tacna
They often go to Santiago
They often go to the college

Y sometimes write to Mary
Y sometimes watch TV
Y sometimes play in the street

He never goes at the beach
They never listen the radio
They never write the task

Anónimo dijo...

Camila Contreras Carro

She always eat early
She always plays soccer
They always visit the cathedral

The children usually arrive late
Y usually finish the tasks
she usually mind to eat bread

They often go to Tacna
They often go to Santiago
They often go to the college

Y sometimes write to Mary
Y sometimes watch TV
Y sometimes play in the street

He never goes at the beach
They never listen the radio
They never write the task

Anónimo dijo...

Camila Contreras Carro
1° G

Y always eat early
Y always plays soccer
Y always visit the cathedral

Y usually arrive later
Y usually finish the tasks
Y usually mind to eat bread

Y often go to the beach
Y often go to Tacna
Y often go to the college

Y sometimes write to Mary
Y sometimes watch TV
Y sometimes play in the street

Y never go to the winter at the beach
Y never listen the radio
Y never write in the book

Anónimo dijo...

Romina Contreras Carro
1° G

Y usually purchase clothes
Y usually speak with my father
Y usually make the bed

Y often go to the beach
Y often go to the purchase
Y often go at the supermarket

Y sometimes play with my friend
Y sometimes go to the school
Y sometimes eat one egg in the morning

Y never arrive later
Y never run strong
Y never walk quick

Anónimo dijo...

Natali Ardiles Godoy
1° G

Y always visit the club
Y always eat early
Y always go to the church

Y usually go to the school
Y usually eat manises
Y usually watch the TV

Y often play in the beach
Y often sleep in the living
Y often eat break

Y sometimes listen music
Y sometimes see the stars
Y sometimes go to the cinema

Y never eat in the class
Y never drink licor
Y never sleep in the cinema

Teacher Michael Rossel dijo...

That's all folks! (esto es todo amigos! les di mas tiempo del requerido)
bye bye