Write about an invention using passive voice. You need to add the name of the invention, who created it, where it was created, a short history about its creation and developing through the time.
NOTE: the inventions can not be repeated.
DEADLINE: Sooner than you think!
10 comentarios:
The official history of the telephony says that the first apparatus was invented by Alexander Graham Bell, professor of vocal physiology in the university of Boston. In fact, single Bell went ahead to hours in the office of inscription of patents to Elisha Gray, an inventor of Chicago that had constructed a similar device by its own means.
Today they exist a number indetermine of models of telephones, that you can be communicated the world yet.
Graet, Danilo.
Despite I haven't said anything about this task yet, you read it, understood what I wanted and did the homework.
WHO CREATED: Allen Breed
Allen Breed was holding the patent to the only crash sensing technology available at the birth of the airbag industry. Breed invented a "sensor and safety system" in 1968, the world's first electromechanical automotive airbag system.
Name: The Internet
Who created: Tim Berners-Lee
This one is an Internet part, being one of many services offered in the network(net) Internet. The Web is a system of much more recent information, developed initially by Tim Berners Lee in 1989
name: the ragdiler
who created: Manuel Jalón Corominas.
was created by Manuel Jalón Corominas why was a ingeniery and oficial of the ejercity in the year 1956.
why a day decide to lay a stick of broom whit bands of cotton drain in a to bucket whit a roller moved a for a tradle was perfection his invented and in 1965.
was make in plastic to getting a success comercial to more of 30 countries.
Shirley Samit 4ªf
The Internet is a worldwide, publicly accessible series of interconnected computer networks that transmit data by packet switching using the standard Internet Protocol (IP). It is a "network of networks" that consists of millions of smaller domestic, academic, business, and government networks, which together carry various information and services, such as electronic mail, online chat, file transfer, and the interlinked web pages and other resources of the World Wide Web(WWW).
Kevin Castillo 4ºF
The Toilet
Who created:John Harrington in 1596
Sir John Harrington, who was invented in 1596 appliance closest to our known toilet, although there are vestiges of devices to dispose of the feces from ancient Rome.
4to F
Claudio rojas --Rojo "4ºF"
Uhhhhhh...qdan 2 dias para salir!!!
The pen modern, practical, inexpensive and disposable, was invented in 1940 by the Hungarian Ladislao Josef Biro and chemist Georg Biro, given the need to create an efficient pen, as there were the fountain pen that appeared in the nineteenth century but their ink tended to espesarse.
The materials that are manufactured with the pens ranging from plastic to gold.
was created by Manuel Jalón Corominas why was a ingeniery and oficial of the ejercity in the year 1956.
why a day decide to lay a stick of broom whit bands of cotton drain in a to bucket whit a roller moved a for a tradle was perfection his invented and in 1965.
was make in plastic to getting a success comercial to more of 30 countries.
Sara Quintero 4° año F
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